Tomas Rodriguez

December 21, 1936 - December 27, 2009
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Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services Light a candle Light a candle


Tomas Rodriguez, 73 passed away on December 27, 2009. Mr. Rodriguez worked for Mercy Hospital for 20 years and for LISD for another 20 years. He was a loving father and husband. He will be greatly missed by all his friends and family. He was preceded in death by his father, Fidencio Medrano; mother, Felicitas Rodriguez; brother, Armando Gaytan and sister, Juanita Sillas. Mr. Rodriguez is survived by his wife of 48 years of marriage, Regina Rodriguez; son, Gerardo (Gardenia) Rodriguez; son, Tomas Rodriguez Jr.; daughter, Ana Laura Rodriguez; son, Ricardo Rodriguez; daughter, Celina Yvonne (Rodolfo) Flores; sisters, Antonia (Victor) Vecera and Maria Angela Ramos. He is also survived by his grandchildren; Ricardo Rodriguez II, Mathew A. Rodriguez, Mark A. Rodriguez, Rodolfo Flores III, Josue R. Flores, Anali I. Flores, and Gerardo Andre Rodriguez and many nieces and nephews. Family would like to express their sincere gratitude to Dr. Carlos Espinoza and Dr. Milton Haber. Funeral Service arrangements have been entrusted to the funeral directors of Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services, 4502 Thomas Ave. Laredo, Texas 78041, 956-723-3611.

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Timeline for Tomas Rodriguez

Born: December 21, 1936
Died: December 27, 2009

Condolences for Tomas Rodriguez

Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services

Our sincere condolences.

The staff of Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services.


Gaby posted on 7/27/17

Reciban nuestras condolencias. En Isaías 33:24 dice que llegara el día en que nadie dirá "estoy enfermo". Y en Revelación o Apocalipsis 21:4 dice que "Dios limpiara toda lágrima de los ojos y la muerte no sera mas, ni existirá ya mas lamento ni clamor ni dolor". Y por último en Hechos 24:15 se nos dice que "va ha haber una resurrección". Entonces Jehova Dios muy pronto acabará con toda la maldad y el sufrimiento incluyendo con las guerras, el delito, las enfermedades y la muerte. Además nos dice que tiene el deseo de devolverles la vida a nuestros seres queridos que hayan muerto.