Interactive Grief Support

For immediate support and to learn more about the grieving process, click the button below to view our Guiding Grief Interactive Video Support. Here, you will be guided through steps to help you find answers to many questions about grief and suggestions for your own healing or help with someone else’s healing. Gain an understanding and acceptance of how necessary the process is, and know that you will get through it. Watch this video to know you are not alone.

Begin Guiding Grief


Teddy Grief Support Dog

Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services is the only funeral home in the area to have a grief support dog on the team.  Teddy recently joined our family and is in training to become a “Grief Therapy Dog.”  He is already proving to be a welcomed, and very popular, addition to our funeral home.  We invite you to contact us to learn more about the comfort and care Teddy can provide.