
Pedro Rivera

November 28, 1967 - April 13, 2017
Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services
1320 Trey Dr.
Laredo, Texas 78041
(956) 723-3611 | Map
Monday 4/17, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Prayer Service at 7:00 pm

Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services
1320 Trey Dr.
Laredo, Texas 78041
(956) 723-3611 | Map
Tuesday 4/18, 10:00 am

Chapel Service at 10:00 am

City Cemetery
3200 N Meadow Ave
Laredo, Texas 78040
(956) 795-2070 | Map
Tuesday 4/18, 10:46 am

1 Tesalonicenses 4:14 Porque si creemos que Jesús murió y resucitó, así también traerá Dios con Jesús a los que durmieron en él. “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of you Lord.” Matthew 25:21 Pedro Rivera,Continue Reading

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Ana Laura Prince Turner left a message on April 23, 2017:
Dearest Rivera family , My most sincere and deepest condolences goes out to you all. May Pedro rest in peace as he joins our Lord in heaven. May his memories bring a smile to your face and happiness to your heart. Love, Ana Laura Prince Turner
Pastor Samuel Elí Espinosa Gallardo left a message on April 23, 2017:
Toda la familia Espinosa Gallardo-González, le agradece a Dios por tú vida, compañerismo, amor,y tantas aventuras que pasamos juntos,como amigos,increíble! y sentimos que por el momento te nos adelantaste en ese viaje donde los cristianos sabemos que aunque muertos vivos!! por el poder de la resurrección de Cristo!! Pedrito como te decíamos siempre,estamos seguros de que estás frente a frente con nuestro salvador Jesucristo!! en un ligar inimaginable....pero sabemos porque son promesas del Señor que un día Él regresará por su Iglesia y que junto a Él vendrán todos los que ya están con Él en les mansiones celestiales y con mucha alegría podernos volver a reunir en ese lugar, eternamente al lado de nuestro Señor y Salvador junto a nuestros amados seres que alcanzaron la misericordia de Dios!!! hasta pronto Pedrito!!!!!
Myriam Salazar (Mendoza) left a message on April 18, 2017:
Dear Pedro, I am honored and blessed to have known you.... Dear Rivera Family: I am deeply saddened by your loss. May God give you comfort and peace and may He grant you strength to go through this moment in your lives. Confiamos en la promesa de que Pedro descansa en paz y esta en la presencia de Dios. Amen. Reciban nuestras sinceras condolencias. Lamentamos no poder estar con ustedes en estos momentos.
EFRAIN HARO HERNANDEZ left a message on April 18, 2017:
Sergio L, Cruz left a message on April 18, 2017:
The Rivera Family, It was with great sadness that I learned of "Big Pete's" passing. Please accept my heartfelt condolences and I hope that in a small way they help through these trying times. I will particularly remember Pedro’s dedication to the church, family and friends. He worked tirelessly in everything he did and most of all "Big Pete" was a good friend to all who knew him. I will always remember our happy times we had together. Please be assured of my thoughts and prayers. Rest in peace my friend,
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Agapito Villarreal left a message on April 17, 2017:
My deepest condolences , wonderful loving memories he lives behind in my mind and hart. .He was a good friend and kind harted person. He would truly be missed. No doubt he is in heaven rejoicing in the presence of our Lord and Savior . God Bless.
Grace Ortiz left a message on April 17, 2017:
My deepest condolences to the Rivera Family. May God give you strength and comfort during this hardship.
Grace Ortiz left a message on April 17, 2017:
Rivera Family, I want to give you my deepest condolences. Pedro was a true servant of God. I remember when he would encourage the jovenes to participate in the Alianzas Juveniles. These gatherings strengthen my faith and purpose of God in my life. I want to say Thank you and may God comfort and strengthen all your family during this hardship.
Ivonne Campos left a message on April 17, 2017:
Mis oraciones para toda la familia, siento su dolor pero recordando que Dios es nuestra esperanza quién nos manda paz y consuelo.
Gaby left a message on April 17, 2017:
Reciban nuestras condolencias. Revelacion o Apocalipsis 21:4 dice que "Dios limpiara toda lágrima de los ojos y la muerte no sera mas", Y en Hechos 24:15 dice que "va ha haber una resurrección". Entonces podemos tener la confianza de que nuestro creador Jehova Dios muy pronto acabará con toda la maldad y el sufrimiento esto incluye las enfermedades y la muerte. Además nos deja saber que tiene el deseo de devolverles la vida de nuestros seres queridos que hayan muerto y lo cumplirá.
Clara Dieck left a message on April 17, 2017:
My deepest and heartfelt condolences to the Rivera family for your loss. Heaven has gained a tall angel. Be comforted in knowing that Peter is now resting from all Earthly pains. He has gone back to His Heavenly Father. Rewards are great in Heaven for Peter. Even through his illness, he always managed a cheerful hello.. Gone too soon but will we never forget him.
Jorge Torres left a message on April 16, 2017:
Descansa en Paz amigo. Gracias por tu amistad. Estaras en nuestros recuerdos y en nuestras oaciones... Jorge Torres - United High School Class of 86
Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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