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Joe Campos

March 30, 1974 - August 9, 2021
Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services
1320 Trey Dr.
Laredo, Texas 78041
(956) 723-3611 | Map
Friday 8/13, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

A Rosary will begin at 7:00 pm

Divine Mercy Catholic Church
851 Topaz Tr.
Laredo, Texas 78045
(956)726-0210 | Map
Saturday 8/14, 9:30 am
City Cemetery
3200 N Meadow Ave
Laredo, Texas 78040
(956) 795-2070 | Map
Saturday 8/14

Joe Campos, 47, entered into eternal rest Monday, August 9, 2021. He is preceded in death by his mother, Guadalupe Campos. Left to cherish his memory is his beloved wife of 25 years, Cassandra Campos; children, Rebecca Campos, Aaron Campos, and Joe Matthew Campos; father, Ascencion Campos; as well as his brothers and sisters andContinue Reading

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Angelica Barrera left a message on March 30, 2022:
My tio would always make yummy food :(
Lourdes Holguin left a message on August 16, 2021:
Descansa en Paz. El cielo está de fiesta al recibirte. Un abrazo grande hasta el cielo Joe. Dios acompañe a tu familia y pronto les mande consúelo
Alba Josette Barrera left a message on August 14, 2021:
Prima te mano un abrazo muy grande, en oracion por el eterno descanso de Joe y por ti y tus hijos para que Dios les de fortaleza para seguir adelante en este camino. Esto no fue un adios si no un hasta luego algun día se volveran a ver.
Erik del Castillo left a message on August 14, 2021:
Mi más sentido pésame a la familia Campos.
Rosalva Pérez left a message on August 13, 2021:
Que Dios les de fortaleza para salir adelante y los llene de bendiciones. Lamento mucho no poder darles un abrazo.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Hilda Torres left a message on August 13, 2021:
Wishing the Campos Family peace and comfort during this difficult time. May the Lord give you courage and energy to face the days ahead.
Virgilio Barrera left a message on August 13, 2021:
Prima!! sobrinos!!, estamos con ustedes, cuentan con todo nuestro apoyo, les mando un fuerte abrazo...
Antonio Rubio left a message on August 13, 2021:
I’m so sorry, and I send you all prayers and hugs!!
Adriana Lara left a message on August 13, 2021:
My deepest condolences on the loss of your husband and father. May God grant you the strength you need to get through this most difficult time. You are all in my prayers. May he Rest In Peace.
Yvonne Gonzalez Trejo left a message on August 13, 2021:
In memory of Joe Campos, Yvonne Gonzalez Trejo lit a candle
Yvonne Gonzalez Trejo left a message on August 13, 2021:
My Most Sincere Condolences to The Campos Family May He Rest In Peace
Regina's flowers left a message on August 13, 2021:
In memory of Joe Campos, Regina's flowers lit a candle
Juan Campos left a message on August 13, 2021:
Casandra, Sentimos mucho la pérdida de Chon. Sabemos el dolor que causa perder un ser querido, y más aún cuando es tu pareja a quien amaste tanto. Pero mira, nuestro amoroso Creador Jehová nos promete que pronto todo lo que nos causa dolor va a terminar (Apocalipsis 21:4), y que los que han fallecido van a ser resucitados (Juan 5:28, 29). Aquí estamos para ti y tus hijos. Juan y Bennie
Zindy Hinojosa left a message on August 12, 2021:
Aaron se que no hay palabras que ayuden a mitigar tu dolor pero deseo de todo corazón que Dios les conceda una pronta resignación a ti y a toda tu familia QDEP Joe ???
Familia Barrera Alcalá left a message on August 12, 2021:
Estamos con ustedes. Con dolor profundo en el corazón, por la pérdida inesperada del primo Joe. Les mandamos nuestras más sinceras y profundas condolencias. Dios NS lo guíe con el. Joe Campos que brille siempre para ti la luz perpetua ♥️ IT IS WHAT IT IS
Eduardo Vidales left a message on August 12, 2021:
Our deepest condolences to JOE's family, especially Aaron, who was also related to our company. We feel so thin and light without you; JOE was a great person and a wonderful coworker; his positive attitude was always shining on every day no matter how hard the task was. He always found how to resolve any issue in front of him with a big smile. This loss stings us in our hearts! JOE, rest in peace, our friend! We will always remember you! your friends at CARGO 365
Joe Menchaca left a message on August 12, 2021:
In memory of Joe Campos, Joe Menchaca lit a candle
Joe Menchaca left a message on August 12, 2021:
My brother Campos ? May you rest easy brother
Marco A Villanueva left a message on August 12, 2021:
Mi más sincero pésame a toda la familia fue un gran amigo mí los k ya es muy difícil de encontrar ..siempre sonriente..siempre dando la mano cuando se ocupaba..en fin un verdadero te fuiste Joe..PK siempre vivirás en nuestros corazones..solo te nos adelantas en el camino.,..descansa en paz ..k algún día te volveremos a ver .
Letty C left a message on August 12, 2021:
You will be truly missed RIP
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Cynthia Amador left a message on August 12, 2021:
Mi Cassandra!! Lo sentimos mucho! De todo corazón te digo! No hay palabras para calmar el gran dolor que estan pasando!! Sanes que te aprecio mucho! Dios les de pronta resignación ??
Guadalupe Garza left a message on August 12, 2021:
In memory of Joe Campos, Guadalupe Garza lit a candle
David Sanchez left a message on August 12, 2021:
I was so sorry to hear of your loss. The thoughts of many are with you.
Joe and Elizabeth Hernández left a message on August 12, 2021:
We are sorry for your loss May god bless you Cassandra and family. Joe was a great friend and most important a great person. May he RIP.....
Francisca M Rosell left a message on August 12, 2021:
My deepest condolences to you and your family . May he rest in internal peace in the kingdom of god. ? Again sorry for your loss ?
IRSANDRA AVILES left a message on August 12, 2021:
In memory of Joe Campos, IRSANDRA AVILES lit a candle
Monica Medellin left a message on August 12, 2021:
My most sincere condolences The Campos Family. May God be with you through this difficult time. May he Rest In Peace and May the perpetual light shine upon him.
Maricela Campos León left a message on August 12, 2021:
Cassandra, sentimos un gran dolor por la pérdida de Joe. Sabemos que el dolor que la muerte causa es indescriptible. Pero tenemos una esperanza de la resurrección. Job 14:14, 15 dice “Si un hombre muere, ¿puede volver a vivir? Esperaré todos los días de mi servicio obligatorio hasta que llegue mi liberación. Tú llamarás y yo te responderé. Ansiarás volver a ver la obra de tus manos”. Jehová, al igual que tú, ansia ver a Joe con vida de nuevo y lo hará posible mediante la resurrección.
Leonardo Cabriales left a message on August 12, 2021:
We will miss you Joe. Rest In Peace my compadre.
Sonia Lara left a message on August 11, 2021:
He was one of the greatest human beings and one of my best friends. He will forever be missed, but we will cherish his memory forever and his legacy will live on through the love of his life, Cassandra, and his children. May he Rest In Peace and I pray for strength and solace for all that loved him dearly.
Dulie Perez left a message on August 11, 2021:
Cassandra, Beca, Aaron & Joe Matthew, Our sincere condolence on the loss of your husband and father. Praying for peace and comfort during this difficult time. May the Lord protect you and give you all the strength. May He Rest in Peace! We Love you all very much. Rudy, Dulie Perez and family.
Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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