Enrique Ramirez Jr.

August 24, 1948 - August 15, 2016
Enrique Ramirez Jr. thumbnail
Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services
Minerva Garcia Ramirez Light a candle


Cremation services will be by Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services.

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Timeline for Enrique Ramirez Jr.

Born: August 24, 1948
Died: August 15, 2016

Condolences for Enrique Ramirez Jr.

Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services

Our sincere condolences.

The staff of Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services.


Gaby posted on 4/23/17

Reciban nuestras condolencias. Isaias 33:24 dice que llegara el día en que nadie dirá "estoy enfermo". Revelacion o Apocalipsis 21:4 dice que "Dios limpiara toda lágrima de los ojos y la muerte no sera mas". Y en Hechos 24:15 dice que "va ha haber una resurrección". Entonces podemos darnos cuenta de que nuestro creador Jehova Dios muy pronto acabará con las enfermedades y hasta la muerte. Otra cosa que nos deja saber es que tiene el deseo de devolverles la vida de nuestros seres queridos que hayan muerto.


Ernesto A. Garcia posted on 8/22/16

To Ramirez family: Our condolences on Pilo's passing. Our prayers are with you all during this time. The good memories that Pilo left us will linger forever. God bless you all. Do not hesitate to call if you need anything. Neto & Elvia


Minerva Garcia Ramirez posted on 8/19/16

Dear Ramirez Family, We send our deepest condolences upon the loss of your beloved brother, Pilo. May God grant you the serenity to accept this loss knowing that he is at peace in heaven with God! Minita and Amado Ramirez