
Anayanci Garza Acosta

October 4, 1971 - September 9, 2023
Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services
1320 Trey Dr.
Laredo, Texas 78041
(956) 723-3611 | Map
Tuesday 9/12, 12:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services
1320 Trey Dr.
Laredo, Texas 78041
(956) 723-3611 | Map
Wednesday 9/13, 8:00 am - 10:00 am
City Cemetery
3200 N Meadow Ave
Laredo, Texas 78040
(956) 795-2070 | Map
Wednesday 9/13

Anayanci Garza Acosta, 51, entered into eternal rest Saturday, September 9,  2023. Mrs. Garza Acosta is survived by her husband, Jose Raul Acosta; daughter, Cesia Garza; mother, Juanita Alamar Sanchez; father, Arnoldo Garza morales; brother, Marco A. Garza and sister, Nilza E. Ramos. The Garza Acosta family will be receiving guests on Tuesday, September 12, 2023,Continue Reading

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Linda Sanchez left a message on September 12, 2023:
"I was deeply saddened to hear about Anayansi’s passing. She was a beautiful person, friend, and I was so fortunate to meet her while working at D.D. Hachar. My sincere condolences and prayers for all the family. May she rest in peace.
Jose de jesus acosta y familia left a message on September 12, 2023:
Nuestro mas sincero pesame....que en Gloria este...... un abrazo oara ustedes.
Estela Guerra Sánchez left a message on September 11, 2023:
Dios la tenga en su Santa Gloria y les de pronta resignación.QEPD
Juany Guerra Sánchez left a message on September 11, 2023:
QEPD Dios la reciba en su Reyno y le de descanso eterno.Dios les de fortaleza a toda la familia.
Alberto Lopez left a message on September 11, 2023:
My deepest condolences to the family and friends of Anayanci. Anayanci was a co-worker of mine back during our days at D.D. Hachar Elementary School when we were actually housed on the Lamar M.S. campus. She was always friendly and helpful with everyone she encountered. A genuine good person. In particular I knew her daughter, Cesia, even more as she was one of my Kinder students and a very bright 5 year old as I remember. May God bless you all and may she find eternal comfort in God’s embrace. Rest in peace.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Cynthia Molano left a message on September 11, 2023:
Mi más sentido pésame a toda la familia. Fui compañera de Anayanci en la primaria D D Hachar y tengo muy bonitos recuerdos de ella. Siempre se le recordará por su amabilidad y su actitud positiva. Que el Señor le dé el descanso eterno y que brille sobre ella la luz perpetua. Amén
Thelma Gutierrez left a message on September 11, 2023:
I am very saddened to hear about Anayanci. She was a Dear friend of mine, when she worked as a Teacher , at D.D. Hachar Elementary School . She was loved by everyone and will truly be missed because of her beautiful attitude and caring ways . Please accept my utmost & Sincere condolences to Cesia & her entire Family . May Our Lord grant peace and Serenity to Everyone at this time .??❤️
Agustin Mendoza left a message on September 11, 2023:
Our most deepest condolences.the mendoza's.may she rest in peace.
Laura María left a message on September 11, 2023:
Nuestro más sincero pésame para toda la familia ante tan lamentable pérdida...Pido a Dios por que les de la fortaleza y el consuelo que necesitan en éste momento...Anayanci siempre te recordaremos con esa linda sonrisa que te caracterizaba y tengo la plena seguridad que estás en un lugar hermoso <3 Descansa en paz querida Anayanci
Yolanda Garza left a message on September 11, 2023:
Mi mas sentido pésame para toda la familia. Especialmente para mi amiga Nilza. Te mando un fuerte abrazo con mucho respeto. Les deseo que Dios les de fortaleza para superar esta gran pérdida. QEPD Anayanci?
Doris Flores left a message on September 11, 2023:
Mi más sentido pésame para toda la familia. Nilza, Manuel, Aimé. Arnoldo, Doris e hijos. Les envío un abrazo con muchísimo cariño. Sra Juanny y Cesia se q no hay palabras q puedan sanar ahorita su dolor. Dios permita q este duelo lo lleven con mucha paz y amor. Un abrazo de luz. QEPD Anayanci. Siempre te recordaré, tan sonriente.
Berta left a message on September 11, 2023:
Nuestro mas sincere pesame a toda la familia y que Dios les de Mucha fortaleza en estos Dias que vienen. Les mandamus un abrazo
Rudy Bazan left a message on September 11, 2023:
Concédele el descanso eterno, o Señor. Y brille para ella la luz perpetua. Que el alma de los fieles difuntos por la misericordia de Dios descanse en paz. Amén.
Fabiola Morales left a message on September 11, 2023:
Un ángel más en el cielo ?️? Dios la reciba en sus brazos y luzca para ella la luz perpetua ?? DEP Querida amiga Anayanci
Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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