
Alyssa Lamar Martinez

November 8, 1996 - October 30, 2020
Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services
1320 Trey Dr.
Laredo, Texas 78041
(956) 723-3611 | Map
Saturday 11/7, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

A Holy Rosary will begin at 7:00 pm

Christ the King Catholic Church
1105 Tilden
Laredo, Texas 78040
(956)723-4267 | Map
Sunday 11/8, 2:00 pm
Cremation Associates of Laredo
1320 Trey Dr.
Laredo, Texas 78041
(956) 723-3611 | Map

Alyssa Lamar Martinez, 23, entered into eternal rest Friday, October 30, 2020. Left to cherish her memory are her parents, Mario and Lamar Martinez, Jr.; sister, Sophia Alessandra Martinez; paternal grandparents, Mario Jesus Martinez Vela and Rosa Clara Villarreal de Martinez; maternal grandparents, Jesus Santiago Mier, Sr. and Maria Magdalena B. Mier; paternal aunts &Continue Reading

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Radames Mendiola and Rosario Vara-Mendiola left a message on November 11, 2020:
Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this sorrowful time. We pray that God will grant you strength and peace. Please accept our most heartfelt condolences. Nuestros pensamientos y oraciones estan con ustedes en estos momentos de gran pesar. Pedimos a Dios les de fortaleza y paz. Nuestras mas sinceras condolencias.
Miriam Orta left a message on November 9, 2020:
Mario, Lamar y Sophia, Las puertas del cielo se abren para recibir a nuestra hermana Alyssa donde la recibe Nuestro Eterno Padre Dios creador del todo, Donde ahora se regosija en el Amor de quien nos envio, de El somos y a El regreaamos, Todo a los tiempos de Dios, Gracias a Dios tuvieron la dicha de educar a Alyssa conforme a la ley de Dios y ella es bien recibida gracias a tu Amor le enceñanste tu el camino a Dios. Les mando un fuerte abrazo y la Bendiciones del cielo lluevan sobre ustedes en este momento donde por ahora no se encontra la paz interior. Les envio Amor y Luz del Divino Padre, de Jesuscristo y que con su verdadera Madre los ampare y les de Paz, en su cuerpo, mente y Alma Ella ahora duerme donde todos dormiremos a esperar la venida de nuestro Señor Jesus el Nazareno. Nuestro mas sentido pesame La famila Orta Miriam y Yuri Orta
adela s cardenas and daughter left a message on November 8, 2020:
You are in our prayers, that God will give you comfort. God bless you.
Rafael y Aurora Elena Garza left a message on November 8, 2020:
In memory of Alyssa Lamar Martinez, Rafael y Aurora Elena Garza lit a candle
Rafael y Aurora Elena Garza left a message on November 8, 2020:
Marito, Lamar y Sophy reciban nuestras mas sinceras condolencias, le pedimos a Dios nuestro Señor que la hermosa Alyssa descanse en paz y que a ustedes y a nuestros queridos Mario y Rosaclara y a toda la familia, les de su paz, su consuelo y fortaleza en estos momentos tan difíciles Les mandamos un fuerte abrazo consolador. Rafael y Aurora Elena Garza (Failo y yaya)
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Jacinto y Maricela Rodriguez left a message on November 8, 2020:
Our deepest condolences ? May the Lord give you all the peace of mind that Alyssa is already resting in His loving arms. Bendiciones y abrazos ?
Luis y Linda De Quevedo left a message on November 8, 2020:
Nuestro más sentido pésame. Rezamos por que el amor reparador de Dios esté con ustedes en este momento. Que Dios les de fortaleza y paz. Que su alma descanse en paz.
Victoria Salinas left a message on November 8, 2020:
Your kindness has always stuck with me. From the moment I met you, your kindness was always the first thing I noticed about you. Thank you for the time I spent being your friend.
Francisco Saldivar left a message on November 8, 2020:
Mario y Lamar ; sentimos mucho la partida de su hija. Los acompañamos en este dolor tan grande. Que Señor que es dueño de la vida y de la muerte les de la fortaleza, para seguir adelante. Siempre estarán en nuestras oraciones. Esperamos en Dios un día encontrarnos allá en el cielo, con todos nuestros seres queridos y gozar de la alegría de estar con él Señor. Un abrazo, Dios les bendiga grandemente! Sus hermanos en Cristo: Yula y Francisco Saldívar
Dahlia Villarreal left a message on November 8, 2020:
Happy birthday in heaven, Alyssa! You left so many heart prints. Rest In Peace beautiful angel.
Jessica Belmares left a message on November 8, 2020:
My deepest condolences to your family in this time of mourning. Alyssa was always so kind to me and never failed to check in on me if she noticed I was down or having a bad day. We would pass each other in the halls at school and we always said hi and smiled. She offered me words of comfort when my grandmother passed in high school. Alyssa was a beautiful soul who never hesitated to reach out to those in need. She was truly a Heaven sent angel. She will be missed.
Javier Perez and Family left a message on November 7, 2020:
Our sincere condolences to Mario and his Family for the loss of his Wonderful Daughter Alyssa. The loss of a Daughter is irreparable, but we know that the Faith that Mario and his Family has in God will guide them in these difficult times.
Luis Rogerio left a message on November 7, 2020:
Forever the sweet, bubbly, bright ray of sunshine that we got to know & love. Forever an angel in heaven now
Martha Laura Perez left a message on November 7, 2020:
My heart aches for your loss. We spent so many summers together with the LITE Production kids that we became a big and beautiful family. I will keep Alyssa and the family in my prayers. We will love your beautiful princess ?? forever!!!?????? left a message on November 7, 2020:
Primos Mario y Lamar Sofi los acompaño en su pena podía Dios nuestro señor de fortaleza para su pronta resignación los quiero mucho y se que Alissa está con Dios nuestro señor y María la tiene entre sus benditas manos y eso me confota los cielos se abrieron ora recibir a nuestra amada Niña milagro y los angeles cantan con ella ? descansa en paz así sea.
Xóchitl Muñoz left a message on November 7, 2020:
Primos los acompañamos en su dolor, nuestras más sinceras condolencias, estamos en oración por el eterno descanso de Alyssa y para que Dios les dé fortaleza y consuelo a toda la familia, con mucho cariño Luis Alfonso Xóchitl Muñoz y familia
Humberto Peggy and Freddy left a message on November 7, 2020:
Our deepest condolences for your loss you are in our thoughts and prayers
Annabelle left a message on November 7, 2020:
My deepest Condolences to Alyssa’s family. I’ve known Alyssa as an acquaintance all throughout elementary, middle and highschool. She was a gentle and radiant person. Down to the unique color of her curls to the way she spoke to each individual. I clearly remember when she performed at the 4th grade talent show, Sofia came onto the stage to help Alyssa with her stage fright but her voice was beautiful. Rest In Peace Alyssa, you touched the lives of so many❤️
Jocelyn Rubio left a message on November 7, 2020:
My favorite memory was taking you to watch the Moulin Rouge show. I'm happy to have played a small part in making one of your dreams come true. Your excitement when I told you I was getting tickets is something I will always remember. It was the most fun night the whole trip because you were there. I love you, Aly!
Andrew left a message on November 7, 2020:
My deepest condolences to the Martinez family. Alyssa was such a close friend in middle and high school. I have so many fond memories of us growing up as teenagers. She was such a sweet girl, and she was taken too soon. May we remember her as the bright young woman she had become, and may she rest in peace.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Diana knudson left a message on November 7, 2020:
Out deepest felt condolences to your family . You and your daughter Alyssa are in our prayers ???? Knudson family
Joe & Tila Garcia left a message on November 7, 2020:
Alyssa, we will have you in our hearts, thoughts, and prayers forever. God Bless You and may you Rest In Peace in the Kingdom of God❤️???
Jackie Vazquez left a message on November 7, 2020:
Respetuosamente envio un abrazo a su familia, ahora Alissa siendo una angelita esta cerca de nuestro Dios padre y descansa en paz. Siempre estara en nuestros corazones los que la conocimos y disfrutamos de su hermosa sonrisa y luz en sus ojos.. Dios los bendiga.
Joe & Tila Garcia left a message on November 7, 2020:
We will always keep in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. God Bless You and Rest In Peace in the Kingdom of God!
Joe & Tila Garcia left a message on November 7, 2020:
Our deepest condolences and sympathy to you and all your family on the loss of your beautiful daughter Alyssa. We have you, Alyssa, and your family in our hearts, thoughts, and constant daily prayers. God Bless and may she Rest In Peace ❤️???
Stella Rojas left a message on November 7, 2020:
Such a beautiful kind soul. My condolences to your family
Ramon & Rita Sánchez left a message on November 7, 2020:
Mari, Lamar y Sofia reciban nuestro más sentido pésame. Rogamos de todo corazón a Dios Nuestro Señor y a Mamá Maria que los sostengan en su regazo, muy cerquita de su corazón, no solamente en estos momentos tan dolorosos, sino por el resto de su existencia. Que nos permita vivir una vida digna de Él para que un día podamos estar reunidos en el cielo con nuestros seres queridos que se nos han adelantado. Reciban todo nuestro cariño y aprecio. Que el alma de Alyssa descanse en paz, amen.
Veronica Chavez left a message on November 7, 2020:
Mi mas sentido pésame para toda la familia por la triste y lamentable partida de Alyssa...Que Dios les de mucha firtaleza. Un fuerte abrazo ??
Martha O. Garza left a message on November 7, 2020:
Mi más sentido pésame a la familia Martínez. Le ruego a Dios Omnipotente que les mande consuelo y resignación, paz y tranquilidad a sus corazones. Ruego a la Virgen y a los Ángeles del cielo que conduzcan a Alyssa por el sendero de la vida eterna junto a Dios Padre para su eterno descanso.... Martha O. Garza ( Le Coiffeur )
Alex, Andi and Alexandra Leal left a message on November 7, 2020:
Our most heartfelt condolences to Lamar, Mario, Sofia and the entire family. May God grant you the strength and peace to get through this most difficult time.
Chacha Montes left a message on November 7, 2020:
Que Dios les de la fortaleza necesaria a sus corazones y sus almas para soportar tan dolorosa perdida. Alyssa descance en paz y brille para ella la luz perpetua ? Dios con ustedes ?
Adeline left a message on November 6, 2020:
My deepest condolences to the family. May your daughter rest in peace. I may not know her but we should just spread peace and love to one another. May god be with you.
Ale Colina left a message on November 6, 2020:
My condolences to Alyssa’s family. She had such a beautiful and kind soul. I’m happy to have shared a moment in both our lives as friends during our early high school years. May you Rest In Peace Alyssa. You are so loved. ?
Samantha Hernandez left a message on November 6, 2020:
Although we only met once in this lifetime, and although we didn’t talk a lot after that one time we met, I knew you as a kind and loving girl. We met at a convention for the MFCC in Houston TX a couple of years ago. We were both teenage girls and I really didn’t want to go but my parents made me. I was so shut out and didn’t want to socialize with anyone and was pretty shy. Out of nowhere you popped out and started talking to me and introducing yourself to me. By the end of the convention we had a little group of friends and I can firmly say it was because of you. That was one of the best memories I have of my teenage years. You were so kind/sweet to me. May you Rest In Peace sweet girl. I hope to see you again one day.
Pedro and Rachel Farias and Family left a message on November 6, 2020:
Dear Martinez Family, we would like to express our deepest condolences for your great loss. We pray that you find peace and comfort during this difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers will always be with you. ❤️? Sincerely, Pedro and Rachel Farias and Family.
The Morales family left a message on November 6, 2020:
Our deepest condolences to our friends Mario and Lamar and the entire family. We ask God to give you the strength and peace during this difficult time and Alyssa, you rest in peace.
Jackie left a message on November 6, 2020:
In memory of Alyssa Lamar Martinez, Jackie lit a candle
Rachel Farias left a message on November 6, 2020:
Our deepest condolences for your family’s loss. May you find peace and comfort during this difficult time. We have you in our thoughts and prayers. Alyssa, Rest In Peace. The Farias Family. ❤️?
Rachel Farias left a message on November 6, 2020:
In memory of Alyssa Lamar Martinez, Rachel Farias lit a candle
Rachel Farias left a message on November 6, 2020:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family’s loss. May you find peace and comfort. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. The Farias Family. ❤️
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Carolina Cruz left a message on November 6, 2020:
We will always have Paris. Mi guera hermosa, so many memories to last a lifetime, memories the I will keep close to my heart. I do believe the we meet for a reason, and I am so beyond grateful the I can call you my friend. Love you and miss you.
Patsy Granados Leal left a message on November 6, 2020:
Lamar, to you and your family, my deepest heartfelt condolences to you all. I can't even imagine the pain that you feel right now. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers ?.
Norma Urbina left a message on November 6, 2020:
My most sincere condolences to the Martinez family and may our dear Lord comfort you and bring you peace during your time of need. My love and prayers are with you and Alyssa, may this beautiful angel rest in peace.
Patsy & Freddie Castillo left a message on November 6, 2020:
Lamar, Mario and family our love and prayers are with you. We rejoice with you because we know Alyssa has been welcomed into heaven she is rejoicing today with our Heavenly Father.
DORA GONZALEZ left a message on November 6, 2020:
My deepest Condolences to Martinez family for your loss. Alyssa was a beautiful and cheerful young lady. I will miss her. May God Bless you and your family. Alyssa reset in PEACE.
Dino Barron left a message on November 6, 2020:
In memory of Alyssa Lamar Martinez, Dino Barron lit a candle
Andrea Sue Villarreal left a message on November 6, 2020:
I want to give my sincerest condolences to Alyssa's family and friends. As I read through the messages from my collogues, it's beautiful how much she touched the hearts of our Panther family here at Longoria MS. Though I had not met her yet in person, I had heard her kind voice over the phone, and her bubbly personality through the video announcements every week. I am so sorry for your loss. I remember thinking, "Wow, she seems so nice and has so much pride for our school!" She hadn't even met most of us yet, but already seemed so caring and dedicated to her job and our staff and students. I am saddened to not have officially met her, but honored to call her a colleague and fellow Panther. Alyssa clearly made such an impact; whether through person, or on screen, her personality shined through. You all will definitely be in my and my family's prayers. I am devastated she is no longer with us, but I commend you for your strength, and comforted that you will make the service a celebration of her life. May her memory stay alive through the imprint she left on others. I share with you my favorite verse, John 1:5 "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overtake it." Your daughter was surely a light, and will continue to be. May God Bless You.
Elsa Zarate left a message on November 6, 2020:
My deepest condolences to the family. May beautiful Alyssa Rest In Peace
Denise and Alonzo Rubio and family left a message on November 6, 2020:
You will always be forever young and beautiful sweet girl. May God open the gates of heaven for you and grant your family peace, comfort and serenity they so deserve. Our most sincere condolences.
Sofia L. De Alva left a message on November 6, 2020:
Parents of Alyssa, I want to express my sincere condolences for the loss of your daughter. Even though we just met her in AUGUST.....she was already a big part of the LONGORIA PANTHER FAMILY. Her good nature and kindness was something I will cherish. I was lucky to be on campus on a daily basis to witness her attention to her school family. What an honor it must have been to have her as a daughter!!! I am heartbroken, but know that she was appreciated by those who worked with her. Coach Sofia De Alva
Jaime H. Serna left a message on November 6, 2020:
Our hearts are saddened by your loss and our thoughts and prayers are with you. We will miss you so much here at campus. Mr. J. Serna LMS Asst. Principal
Kassie Garcia left a message on November 6, 2020:
My deepest condolences to Alyssa's family. I had the privilege of working with Alyssa this year and getting to know her. She was such a smart and sweet girl. We are praying for God to strengthen each of you during this difficult time.
Laura Iris Pedraza left a message on November 6, 2020:
I'm so sorry for your loss. Alyssa was very sweet and took pride in her job here at LMS. She was always polite and courteous. She will be missed. May God give you comfort and peace during this difficult time.
Rigoberto Gomez left a message on November 6, 2020:
Our Deepest Condolences To The Martinez Family. Although i did not have the pleasure to meet your Daughter, My Wife Graciela Gomez, A Teacher, At LMS did and she enjoyed her brief relationship with her Co-Worker Alyssa. May You Find Peace In Your Heart Knowing That She Is Finally Home With Our Lord Where We Too Will Join Her Someday! May She Rest In Peace!
Connie Martinez left a message on November 6, 2020:
Alyssa, rest in heaven, sweet angel, I will always remember your smile, you always had a smile on your face.
Yolanda Cantu left a message on November 6, 2020:
In memory of Alyssa Lamar Martínez, Yolanda Cantu lit a candle
Norma Garza-Castillo left a message on November 6, 2020:
To the Martinez family, I would like to wish you my most sincere condolences. I did not know your daughter very well, but I did have the pleasure of speaking to her over the phone when I had to call in to the school at Longoria. She was always so nice, respectful, and always seemed in a bubbly mood. Our school has lost a Panther family member, but she will never be forgotten. My heart and prayers are with you. Sincerely, Norma Garza-Castillo Special Education Dept. Longoria Middle School
Yolanda Cantu left a message on November 6, 2020:
Dear parents and family, My most sincere condolences, May the Lord gives you comfort in this difficult time. RIP Alyssa. We are going to miss her very much. She was a very smart young lady. Always giving us her beautiful smile. We are very sad for her depart. But we are assure that she is dancing in heavenly places. Longoria Middle School staff will miss her. Thanks. Sincerely, Yolanda Cantu Library AR Clerk.
Melinda L. Cavazos left a message on November 6, 2020:
My deepest condolences for your family. I worked with Alyssa and although it was a brief time, her inner light shown through via her smile, her attitude and her intelligence. My prayers and those of my friends and family are with you during this difficult time. Rest in His arms. Blessings and prayers. God Bless, Melinda La-Mar Cavazos.
Marisol Rdz-Portales left a message on November 6, 2020:
I had the privilege of speaking to Alyssa several times on the phone when she would answer the phone at Longoria Middle School. I would call to speak to admin in reference school business. She was always vivacious, bubbly, and kind. She seemed full of of life, and a pleasure to talk to, albeit was minimal, polite conversation. I thanked her for helping me and I apologized for calling so much and she said that is what she was there for, to help the teachers as needed. I told her I couldn't wait to meet her in person, and she said she couldn't wait to meet us, the teachers, as well as the rest of the staff that she had not had the pleasure of meeting yet. I can only imagine what good she could have done in this world; even a kind polite smile means the world in this strange world. Please be comforted to know that she was an awesome sweet person, and she is most definitely rejoicing in heaven with the Angels, and looking over your family. Many condolences to you and your family during this time.
Reynaldo y Araceli H. Alvarado left a message on November 5, 2020:
Nuestro más sentido pésame QEPD y brille para ella la luz perpetua. ?
Monica Valle left a message on November 5, 2020:
Alyssa was always so wonderful and in great spirits. I pray the Lord grant you peace.
Oscar Rodriguez left a message on November 5, 2020:
our most sincere condolences from Rodriguez Fmily
Vanessa Garza left a message on November 5, 2020:
My deepest and most sincere condolences. You will be in my thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time.
Enrique y Mari Valles left a message on November 5, 2020:
Nuestro mas sincero pesame Mario y Lamar. Que Dios les de las fuerzas para recuperarse de esta perdida tan grande y que brille para Alyssa la luz eterna. Sinceramente, Enrique y Mari Valle MFCC Federacion Eagle Pass
Claudia Cisneros y Arturo Garcia left a message on November 5, 2020:
Mario y Lamar Nuestras oraciones para la familia y el alma de su hija. Un fuerte abrazo y pronta recuperación. Claudia y Arturo Garcia
Sebastian left a message on November 5, 2020:
In memory of Alyssa Lamar Martinez, Sebastian lit a candle
JOSE GUSTAVO MARTINEZ VILLARREAL left a message on November 5, 2020:
Que el amor y la misericordia de Dios reciba con fuerza a Alissa y la paz de Jesús y cercanía de María acompañe nuestro camino interior de sanación.
Efrain Martínez Jr. Delgado left a message on November 5, 2020:
Mi mas sentido pésame por la lamentable perdida de Alyssa, esperando que pronto les de nuestro señor la paz y la resignación de saber que se encuentra a su lado, un fuerte abrazo
Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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