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Roberto Veloz

September 6, 1996 - September 22, 2019
Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services
1320 Trey Dr.
Laredo, Texas 78041
(956) 723-3611 | Map
Tuesday 9/24, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Divine Mercy Catholic Church
851 Topaz Tr.
Laredo, Texas 78045
(956)726-0210 | Map
Wednesday 9/25, 10:00 am

Roberto Veloz, 23, entered into eternal rest Sunday, September 22, 2019. Left to cherish his memory are his parents, Roberto and Gloria Veloz; siblings, Daniela Veloz, and Fernanda Veloz. Also survived by aunts, uncles, cousins, other relatives and friends. The family will receive guests on Tuesday, September 24, 2019, from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pmContinue Reading

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Brian Ortiz left a message on September 25, 2019:
Was an excellent musician !!! U left early, to start a new chapter Rest easy God bless you ?
Jimenez-Ramos Family left a message on September 25, 2019:
Our deepest condolences. Always remember him playing his guitar at our house and my son playing the drums. Boy, were they loud. But fun to see and listen to. May he rest in peace.
Lupita, Cristian and Victoria Perez left a message on September 25, 2019:
Prima Gloria and Family, Our most heartfelt condolences. May the peace which comes from the memories of love shared comfort you now and in the days ahead.
Marissa Romero Garcia left a message on September 25, 2019:
Prima Mi mas sentido pesame te doy Se que tu dolor es muy fuerte y no tengo palabras para darte consuelo Te mando un fuerte abrazo.
Lupita Santos left a message on September 25, 2019:
In memory of Roberto Veloz, Lupita Santos lit a candle
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Lupita Santos left a message on September 25, 2019:
Roberto, reciba usted y su familia mi mas sentido pesame,
Carolina Cruz left a message on September 24, 2019:
I remember there was a period of time where I didn’t had that many friends, and I didn’t talk to that many people in band because i was shy, but i remeber the for most of the show during marching season i was always close to the tubas, and I would always heard all of them laughing so hard. And whenever i turned to see what they were talking about, you would tell me the joke or whatever it was that they were all talking about. You would always smile and day hi to me when we crossed paths at school, and that’s something that not everyone does. That just shows that you were a great person and always had being. Rest In Peace and keep playing music up in heaven.
Carolina Cruz left a message on September 24, 2019:
Rob, even though we didn’t get to know each that well, I always remember you because you were always smiling and laughing so hard. You always had so much energy during practices and you ran so fast ha I always wonder from where you got all that energy. Rest In Peace rob.
Placida Loa left a message on September 24, 2019:
Sorry for you loss. May God grant you peace and strength in this time of need. Blessings.
Placida Loa left a message on September 24, 2019:
Sorry for your loss. May God grant you peace and strength in this time of need. Prayers for you and your family. God bless you all.
Mrs. Adriana Pina, Washington Middle School left a message on September 24, 2019:
I am so sorry for your loss and offer my most sincere condolences. As a mother, I can imagine the pain you are going through and pray that God Almighty give you strength and peace to get through this. You should know that you had a very special son with so much talent and so much to offer. May God bless you in this difficult time.
Soledad sandoval left a message on September 24, 2019:
I am deeply saddened by the loss that you and your family have encountered. May my condolences bring you comfort and may my prayers ease the pain of your loss. Sincerely Luli kid Sol ❤️
Cecilia Ruiz left a message on September 24, 2019:
-Luli’s Perez daughter From Familia Ruiz, we are so sorry for your loss and are sending many prayers upon your family in this unimaginable time. Even though we did not know him personally his smile just says everything about how much of a happy soul he was and will always be remembered as.
Familia Escoto left a message on September 24, 2019:
De Corazon les deseamos que Dios le de toda la Paz y Fuerza que necesitan para seguir Adelante, A Robertito lo llevaremos siempre en nuestro Corazon y en nuestras oraciones. Fam. Escoto
Ale Colina left a message on September 24, 2019:
He invited me to his birthday parties every year even when we didn’t talk because we wouldn’t see each other at school. Thank you for being so kind and for all the good memories. Rest In Peace Robert.
Ale Colina left a message on September 24, 2019:
Robert was a great guy. He was always happy and joking around with everyone. I’m saddened by his loss, but I hope life treated him well and I hope he’s enjoying his passion of music in heaven. Robert fue un gran amigo. Siempre estaba feliz y diciendo chistes con todos sus amigos. Estoy triste porque ya no está con nosotros pero espero que la vida lo trato bien y espero que esté feliz tocando música en el cielo.
Maria Sandoval (Luli) left a message on September 24, 2019:
There’s no words that I can say Only know that you and your family are in my prayers. Love your cousin Luli
Robert De Leon left a message on September 24, 2019:
In memory of Roberto Veloz, Robert De Leon lit a candle
Jose M. Castro left a message on September 24, 2019:
My condolences to the Veloz Family. I am honored to have known your son while a student at United High School. He was a great person that I am happy to have had as a student. We will all miss him dearly and will pray for him and your family.
Armando, Mane, Armando y Fabiola Castillo. left a message on September 24, 2019:
Les mandamos el más fuerte de los abrazos. Que Dios nuestro Señor les brinde consuelo y fortaleza. Los queremos mucho.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Ronnie Perez left a message on September 24, 2019:
Deeply sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family, sending prayers.
Vanessa Garcia & Carlos Borja left a message on September 24, 2019:
En este momento tan dificil y doloroso, les enviamos nuestro mas sincero pesame. Estan en nuestras oraciones.
FERNANDO L. MARTINEZ left a message on September 24, 2019:
In memory of Roberto Veloz, FERNANDO L. MARTINEZ lit a candle
Mati G. Perez left a message on September 24, 2019:
Cousin, I am deeply saddened by the news of your loss. I pray that God will grant you and your family peace and strength during your time of grief. My deepest heartfelt and most sincere condolences. Your Cousin
Karla Cepeda left a message on September 24, 2019:
"Mr. Robert" as I would always call you. You were an amazing individual with such special character, which we all greatly miss. I miss your typical/s " ummm actually I dont know " .... " why lie , I dont know but I can check for you real quick " .... " well thank you, I appreciate that"... the day your car stayed without battery outside of our working Saturday/ sundays and we tried to pass cables and we couldnt get it to work ?....oh jesus mr. Robert you are greatly missed and I miss you walking through our hallways. I miss that free spirit excited to go to his concert and to have won money at a casino playing slot machines !!!!!!!!!! May god have you in his eternal glory my friend , my co-worker, our now angel
Elsa Perez left a message on September 24, 2019:
We are so sorry for your loss, know that we are thinking and praying for the family in this difficult time.
LuzAdriana Infante-Lucio left a message on September 23, 2019:
Se bien, que no existen las palabras apropiadas que puedan consolarlos- sólo quiero expresar mis más sinceras condolencias. Están en mis pensamientos y oraciones, hoy y siempre. Yo se que Robb descansa en los brazos de Jesús y le pido a Dios que El Espíritu Santo los eleve y que les permita sentir su abrazo durante este tiempo tan difícil y amargo.
Pablo Pineda III left a message on September 23, 2019:
In memory of Roberto Veloz, Pablo Pineda III lit a candle
Pablo Pineda III left a message on September 23, 2019:
From all your friends at work, our most felt condolences. May Our lord send you and your family his peace, as we trust your most beloved is now residing in his heavenly home. This is our faith, the one we all share, let its light shine and gide you and yours on these hours of sorrow. Only our lord Jesus Christ whom is word can and will heal your pain from your lost. He is and will keep being your strength, for his mission for you is still incomplete, as you must and shall lead with your wife by your side the rest of your family to the promise land he had prepare for all of us. Let his promise be your gide, let the memory of your son give you strength for the rest of your life. Glory to God in heaven and peace on earth to men of good will.
Daniel Eric Solis left a message on September 23, 2019:
I can't believe this is true. I woke up with some text messages that told me what happened. I know we didn't really know each other that well, but you were always kind and welcoming to me. You would come up and make a random comment or joke, and it didn't matter to me if any of it made sense. All that mattered was that you came up to me when no one told you to, and that's personally something I never thought anyone would do. Thank you for being a good friend. I surely wish I could've talked to you more, but I will pray for you, and I will pray for your family as well. Until next time. With love and prayers, Daniel. God Bless, Brother.
Fam. Arriaga left a message on September 23, 2019:
Fam. Veloz , no hay palabras que puedan expresarse en estos momentos tan difíciles. Pido a Dios por ustedes, que los llene de fortaleza y consuele sus corazones. Un fuerte abrazo ????? De parte: Fam Arriaga
Adrián Martinez left a message on September 23, 2019:
I am so sorry for the loss of Robert. If there was a word that described him, it was passionate. He was passionate about everything he loved and everything he stood for. I wish I were able to be there. Robert will continue to be in our thoughts and memories.
Laura Magana and family left a message on September 23, 2019:
May you find comfort in knowing we love you and your family always ?❤️
Steve and Arianna Gonzales left a message on September 23, 2019:
Our deepest and most sincere condolences to the Veloz Family. Your family has been a pillar of our parish and has given witness to the honor and glory of God. Your suffering has not been in vain. For even in this dark time, the light of your unwavering faith and trust in God’s perfect will is shining brightly. May you find comfort and healing in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, and may our Blessed Mother Mary wrap your family with her mantle of love. We continue to pray for the eternal rest of Roberto, Jr. and may perpetual light shine upon him. We ask this through Christ Our Lord, Amen.
Mayela left a message on September 23, 2019:
Mi más sentido pésame
Mr. & Mrs Geronimo & Teri Ochoa left a message on September 23, 2019:
Our most sincere condolences. May the Lord bring you peace. We will keep your family in our prayers. Robert RIP
Daisy Hernandez left a message on September 23, 2019:
In memory of Roberto Veloz, Daisy Hernandez lit a candle
Daisy Hernandez left a message on September 23, 2019:
I am very sorry for your loss.. I wasn't a best friend to Robert and I think I was 3 years above grade level.. But I did get to meet him in band.. And he was a good kid, who worked very hard.. I wish he was still here cause he was taken too early, but maybe God said his job here on earth was more than enough.. And touched many lives and hearts..He will forever be a Mighty Longhorn.. My condolences..
Melchor e Isela Cardenas left a message on September 23, 2019:
Dios lo acoja entre sus brazos y mantenga a su familia fuerte en este tiempo
Eduardo Solchaga left a message on September 23, 2019:
Nos unimos a las oraciones de la familia por el eterno descanso de Roberto Jr. Que el Señor lo reciba en Su gloria y les conceda pronto consuelo a sus padres.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Angie Cardenas left a message on September 23, 2019:
Mi muy sentido pésame, les acompaño en su dolor. Confío plenamente que Dios Nuestro Señor recibe a Robert, su hijo muy amado con gran alegría en su hogar eterno y guarda en su corazón sagrado a toda su familia hasta el día que le vuelvan a ver en su divina presencia ??
Reynaldo y Araceli H. Alvarado left a message on September 23, 2019:
Nuestro mas sincero pesame?estamos con ustedes.
Javier y Amalia Martinez left a message on September 23, 2019:
Gloria y Roberto, podemos imaginar el profundo dolor por el que estan pasando. Pedimos a Dios Nuestro Señor los acoja para que les de paz y resignacion a su corazón. Oramos por el eterno descanso de su hijo Roberto y que el consuelo de Dios siempre los acompañe y fortalezca. Les mandamos un gran abrazo
Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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