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Rene Lauro Carrillo

October 23, 1954 - October 13, 2024
Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services
1320 Trey Dr.
Laredo, Texas 78041
(956) 723-3611 | Map
Monday 10/28, 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Rosary 7:00 pm

Holy Family Catholic Church
2705 McPherson Ave.
Laredo, Texas 78040
(956)724-6881 | Map
Tuesday 10/29, 9:00 am
Calvary Catholic Cemetery
3600 McPherson Ave.
Laredo, Texas 78041
(956)723-6811 | Map
Tuesday 10/29

Mr. Rene L. Carrillo, 69, entered eternal rest on Sunday, October 13, 2024, at NorthEast Methodist Hospital in San Antonio. Mr. Carrillo was born in Corpus Christi, Texas in 1954, was raised in Benavides, and spent most of his life in Laredo. Mr. Carrillo was an incredible son, brother, husband, father, grandfather, teacher and mentor.Continue Reading

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Mr. & Mrs Tony Garcia & Daughter left a message on October 30, 2024:
Our deepest and sincere condolences to you and your family on your loss. May the Lord give you peace during this time knowing that he is at rest.
Eddie Carrillo left a message on October 29, 2024:
Our sincerest condolences to Rene’s family. This world needs more men like Rene. May he rest in peace. Eddie & Delma Carrillo Benavides class of ‘72
Angelica Vega left a message on October 29, 2024:
My sincerest condolences to the Carrillo Family! May he rest in peace! A very sweet man. Always saying Hi when I would go out to take out my dogs. Last time I saw him was when I visited my parents in September before my girls started school. When they moved in to our neighborhood, I knew he was a teacher at the United South but never had a privilege to have him as a teacher.
Mr. And Mrs. Tito Montiel left a message on October 28, 2024:
Our deepest condolence's and prayers to Alicia and the family.
Marichuy Villalon (St. Vincent de Paul) left a message on October 28, 2024:
My most sincere condolences Alicia may perpetual light shine upon your husband keeping you and all the family in my prayers 🙏
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Steven Canales left a message on October 28, 2024:
Dearest Alicia and Sons, We were deeply sorry for the loss of Rene. He was truly a remarkable soul—kind, compassionate, and full of love. He touched every heart he met and left an indelible mark that will remain with us always. His kindness was limitless, his compassion endless, and he had a way of making everyone feel seen and valued. Though his time with us was far too short, his legacy is a testament to the incredible person he was. We were blessed to have him in our family, and his spirit will forever be a part of us. Holding you close in our thoughts and prayers. With all our love and deepest sympathy, Tia Dina and Steven Canales
Rachel Rodriguez left a message on October 28, 2024:
My sincerest and truly deep felt condolences Dr. Carrillo and to your children. I know I am not saying anything you don't already know, but Rene was one of the BEST men I have had the honor of working with and of knowing personally. He was so smart, funny, charismatic, self-sacrificing, caring and humble in all the right ways. I could talk with him about anything and always felt heard and supported. Alicia, I know he loved you and the boys dearly because in all the years I worked with him, I never heard him complain or say anything negative of his marriage or family. I only remember his face with a smile, even through professional development! May you find some solace in knowing that he is now with our Father in Heaven. I truly believe he was received by our Lord hearing the words "Well done, my good and faithful servant" - Mathew 25:23
Lauro Vidal left a message on October 28, 2024:
My condolences to you Alicia and the boys for your family loss. I sure that the lord has him sitting in his rightful place besides him. May he rest in peace. Spread your wings my dear friend!
Margaret Rose Mone (Medellin) left a message on October 28, 2024:
Alicia, Eric, Michael- To three dear people who helped form my youth and faith. I'm so sorry to hear about Rene. He was just as pivotal in my life as the three of you. My heart breaks with you all. Although I’m not able to go to Laredo and pray with you, I’ll be saying the rosary tonight with you and keep vigil, too. You all are very dear to me. Merciful Lord Jesus, grant him Eternal Rest. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for him.
Ida Gutierrez left a message on October 28, 2024:
Our deepest condolences from the Guerra & Gutierrez families. Rene was a wonderful and very respectful man. He will be dearly missed. May he rest in peace, and may perpetual light shine upon him.
Steven Canales left a message on October 28, 2024:
In memory of Rene Lauro Carrillo, Steven Canales lit a candle
Steven Canales left a message on October 28, 2024:
Dearest Rene, We love you forever and a day and know you have seen the Wonders of the lord and are in awe. Until we meet again our Dear Cousin and Nephew- Look after us all and guide us down the path of eternal life. Your Cousin and Tia in Christ - Steven and Tia Dina Canales send your family our deepest Condolences and pray that they be granted strength to get through this difficult time . You’re one of our Angels now- looking out for our best interest. God be with you as he wraps his loving arms around you to comfort and guide you in your new journey.
Josie V.Lara left a message on October 27, 2024:
Alicia and entire Carrillo Family, We send you our most heartfelt condolences for the passing of Rene. May he rest in peace and perpetual light shine upon him. 🕊️🙏JoseLuis,Josie,Joseph,andRebeccaJo Lara
Victoria Rodriguez left a message on October 27, 2024:
I am so sad to have read about Mr Carrillo’s passing, and I am sorry for your loss. It is a lovely obituary, and I feel as if I’ve learned more about him and his wonderful family by reading it. Mr. Carrillo was my French teacher in tenth grade, back when UHS still had classes in the cheese building, and his classroom was downstairs. I am grateful for his encouragement and instruction. My senior year of college, I dropped an elective; subsequently, those three missing hours meant I couldn’t graduate on time as expected. It meant another semester of living and educational expenses. Unless. Unless I could CLEP something. Not Spanish. I’d already done that. I decided, French! And vowed to study the two months I had before the exam. I checked out books. Borrowed audio tapes. And, predictably, did nothing. Still, I showed up for the exam. And passed! FOUR hours! With an A!!! The French Mr. Carrillo had taught me that one year, all those years before, had stuck! Were it not for his methodical and successful techniques in teaching, I would have had a different outcome to my academic career. I’ve told this story so many times! Mr. Carrillo will live on in my memory as I am sure he will in the memories of all whose lives he touched. May you find comfort in the knowledge that he was a much loved and admired individual.
Leti Rios Spillane left a message on October 25, 2024:
My sweet Alicia and family. My sincerest and deepest condolences to you all. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
Patricia Mortimer left a message on October 24, 2024:
Alicia, My sincerest condolences to you and yours. The love you two shared was immense and a joy to watch. Rene was an incredible person - kind, genuine and quick witted. Godspeed Rene, Godspeed. Love and hugs, Pat
Loretta( Lorrie) Santos Moreland left a message on October 23, 2024:
Dear Mrs. Carrillo and family, My deepest sympathy in this time. Mr. Carrillo was my teacher in United High School and a great educator. My prayers are with you Mrs. Carrillo and your family. Also, my mother Mrs. Loretta Santos sends her condolences. God Bless, John 11:25 (NIV) Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.”
Fr. Francis Therese Krautter left a message on October 22, 2024:
Carrillos! I'm so sorry to hear about Rene - I'll be offering Masses for the repose of his soul and that your family may experience some consolation and closeness of our Lord.
Rosa Rincon left a message on October 22, 2024:
Rest in Paradise to an amazing educator. Monsieur Carrillo your teaching style made a tremendous impact on my learning. Que le repos éternelle vous spit accordé , Seigneur, et que la lumière éternelle brille sur vous. Que vous reposiez en paix . Amen.
Gloria Vera Ambrose left a message on October 20, 2024:
My sincere condolences to you and your family. I never had the pleasure of meeting Rene but all the condolences and kind words extended by his friends and family tells me he was a great man. May he rest in peace.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
R Wicke left a message on October 19, 2024:
In memory of Rene Lauro Carrillo, R Wicke lit a candle
R Wicke left a message on October 19, 2024:
Dear Alicia, my deepest sympathy to you and yours. Stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. The love you both had for each other was a God given blessing. Count you blessings and hold on to the beautiful memories. God bless. From Rosie
Mario and Violeta Cobarruvias left a message on October 19, 2024:
Our deepest condolences for the loss of such a beautiful human being. Alicia, May you and your children and grandchildren find God’s grace and courage during this very difficult time. All of you were surrounded with Rene’s unique love that you will cherish forever. Heaven has gained another angel.
Dulce Gonzalez left a message on October 19, 2024:
My prayers for all the family. My he rest in peace and God gives you strength and serenity to accept his divine will in this difficult time. Sincerely, Dulce M. Gonzalez.
Laura Villaurrutia Ayala left a message on October 19, 2024:
Nuestro más sentido Pésame Para la Familia Carrillo por la pérdida Irreparable de nuestro Gran Primo René . Excelente ser humano . Rogamos a Dios por su eterna Gloriia y Alivio y Confort a toda la familia . Descanse en Paz 🙏
Irma Salinas left a message on October 19, 2024:
Our family has been one to gather for many occasions for many years - Our cousin Rene and his family rarely missed one of our gatherings and he added such joy to them. We are heartbroken because of his passing but are so grateful for having known such a special person. We send Alicia, Rudy, Michael and Eric our love and prayers for continued strength through this difficult time. Irma - Nato & boys Hebbronville, Tx
Vivian Leigh Radziminski left a message on October 18, 2024:
My heart hurts for you and yours, Alicia. Rene was the most kind-hearted and genuine man that I was privileged to know in this lifetime. He will forever remain in our hearts. God bless his soul.
Elma Mendoza Cantu left a message on October 18, 2024:
My condolences and prayers for Rene’s family and friends. May he Rest In Peace. 🙏
Melinda Parmer Canales left a message on October 18, 2024:
Alicia my heart goes out to you and your family. You married a great man who was lucky to find a great woman in you. My memories of teaching with you both at Laredo United and becoming friends is dear to my heart. Fly with the angels Rene. Sincerely,
Juan Jose and Velma Sanchez left a message on October 18, 2024:
Our condolences to the family. Rene was my classmate. We shared many good times in Benavides and later in life along with his brother Mario. The Lord has gained a great educator and person. May God bless him and console the family. May he RIP.
Felix Ricardo Perez left a message on October 18, 2024:
My condolences to the entire Carrillo family. May he rest in peace.
Hector Zertuche left a message on October 18, 2024:
In memory of Rene Lauro Carrillo, Hector Zertuche lit a candle
Hector Zertuche left a message on October 18, 2024:
Our most sincere condolences to Rene's Family. While I don't remember him, I sure remember Tio Noe and Tia Tencha. I remember Mario very well. May He rest in Peace! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Michael A. Carrillo left a message on October 18, 2024:
Dad, Words will never be able to describe the impact you’ve made to all those who have ever had the pleasure of knowing you. You were always ready to help anyone in need. Throughout my life, you have taught me how to strive to become the best son, brother, husband, and father I can be. I witnessed how a son should love and care for his mother, by watching you care for my Grandma Tencha and my Mema. You were the best brother you could be for Tio Mario; whom helped us witness a miracle, and cemented your faith in God. You were the most loving and supportive husband for your wife — my dearest mother. You were the best father you could be to Rudy, Eric, and myself; sharing your endless love, thirst for knowledge, wisdom, and humor whenever we needed it. You shaped us into the men we were destined to be, and taught us how men should take care of their family. You radiated endless love and cherished every single moment spent with your grandchildren. It was so easy to carry a conversation with you, and somehow you were always able to craft our conversations into valuable life lessons. God blessed me with the best father anyone could ever ask for — and for that I am eternally grateful. Dad, we miss you so very much. Thank you for everything. I love you. -Michael
Raymond Briones left a message on October 18, 2024:
My Sincere Condolences to his Wife and Family. Rene was a Very Good Friend and Cousin. We grew up together and graduated together in Benavides, Texas. Played Sports together and had great times together. You will be missed. RIP.
Ernesto Gonzalez left a message on October 18, 2024:
He was one of the best teachers I had growing up. He never gave up on me and pushed me because he saw potential. I carry his memory; I think of him every time I use french. I will forever be grateful to him and his love for teaching. He broadened my horizons and introduced me to a culture other than my own, and I love him for that. Rest in peace Mr. Carrillo, you were a great man and will be missed. Merci pour tout.
Jesus A Gonzalez left a message on October 18, 2024:
I was so shocked and saddened to hear of your passing, Mr. Carrillo. You were an amazing teacher and UIL coach who helped countless students find a passion for academics. They are better people for having you in their lives during the tumultuous times that high school can bring. I will miss seeing you and talking to you. You always had something interesting and funny to share. Those drives to regional and state competitions with you as my co-pilot are now treasured memories. I will miss you, friend. Que en paz descanses.
Angela Jasso left a message on October 17, 2024:
Mrs Carrillo my condolences to you and your family on the passing of Rene. My prayers to you and your family.
Rosalie Aguilar left a message on October 17, 2024:
My deepest condolences to Mr. Carillo’s family. He was a wonderful educator and great man. I was blessed to have him as my French teacher in High School. He made the learning experience fun through songs and poems like “Au Claire de la Lune” and “Le Pont Mirabeau”. I’ll always be grateful for how he inspired countless with his love of French culture and language. May you rest in peace Monsieur Carrillo!
Jackie Ramos left a message on October 17, 2024:
To the Carrillo family: My deepest condolences on the passing of your father and husband. He was a great teacher and co-worker at USHS9th. Thank you for your years of service to our students. You will be missed.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Maribel Maciel left a message on October 17, 2024:
My condolences to the Carrillo Family and prayers to my dear SIC. Thank you Rene for the wonderful friendship, you will be missed in church but I know exactly where to look for that smile. You were my registration partner "De Colores"🙌 and always ready to share words of wisdom. You will be remembered for walking in the neighborhood and the dinners we all enjoyed after church. You have gained your wings 🙏 RIP BIC
Imelda Hernandez left a message on October 17, 2024:
My Sincere Condolences to the family. May he Rest In Eternal Peace 🙏
Rocio Staudt left a message on October 16, 2024:
All of the words in the world seem insufficient for this moment. I am feeling this loss deeply. Monsieur Carrillo was a great man and I was fortunate enough to call him my friend. He has undoubtedly left a lasting impression in this world by providing true friendship, guidance, and mentorship to many students. He was my friend and role model. He always encouraged me to stay focused and pursue my goal of becoming a pharmacist. He was one of the kindest people I've ever met. My thoughts and prayers are with his family during this difficult time. Monsieur Carrillo, you will be sorely missed and never forgotten.
Nora Murillo left a message on October 16, 2024:
Our deepest condolences to the family. May God give you the strength to endure during this difficult time.
Berta Flores left a message on October 16, 2024:
My most sincere condolences to your family in your time of loss. May he RIP in the kingdom of heaven. Sending you a hug and prayers
Myriam Idrogo left a message on October 16, 2024:
So sorry to hear of the passing of Mr. Rene Carrillo. A very dedicated and respectful teacher at UHS. Great colleague! My condolences to Mrs. Alicia Carrillo and their family.
Gloria Luan-Mtz left a message on October 16, 2024:
May our Heavenly Father provide you Alicia and family/friends with the comfort and strength to endure during this difficult time. 😇💟
Danny Cantu left a message on October 16, 2024:
May Mr. Carrillo Rest in Peace. A most excellent teacher and mentor. Prayers to the Carrillo family.
Juan Vera left a message on October 16, 2024:
My heart is broken at your passing Mr. Carrillo. You were a great man, loving husband and father that I saw as an example. I will never forget the laughs I had with you and what I learned. I pray with all my heart for the family and you my friends in this very difficult time. With all my heart my most loving pésame. Charlie V.
Ana Martinez left a message on October 16, 2024:
Rest in peace, Mr. Carrillo. You were an exemplary teacher and UIL coach for so many years. You touched the future. Your work is done. Now rest in Heaven. My condolences to your Fabius and friends.
Sara Montemayor left a message on October 15, 2024:
Rest in peace Rene. I will miss your movie 🍿 quotes, especially from The Three Amigos. Thank you for being a good friend and colleague.
Hazel Valdez Martínez left a message on October 15, 2024:
My condolences to the entire family. Mr. Carrillo was my mentor and one of the kindest people I’ve ever known! He inspired me and many other students to become better people. He taught us all so much more than academics. He taught us to believe in ourselves and our abilities. He was sweet, patient, and kind. He made an impact on so many. His legacy will live on through all the lives he touched. We are all better for having known him. We love you and we’ll miss you ❤️
Diana Marcos left a message on October 15, 2024:
My most sincere condolences to the Carrillo family. You will be in my prayers.
David. Hugo Garcia left a message on October 15, 2024:
In memory of Rene Lauro Carrillo, David. Hugo Garcia lit a candle
David. Hugo Garcia left a message on October 15, 2024:
To my lifelong friend! To many memories, some good, some bad, four years of high school, and roommates thru college. You’re gone but you’re forever in our hearts! David Hugo and Lilly.
Tito Montiel left a message on October 15, 2024:
Our condolences may he rest in peace glad I got the opportunity to have been friends with him great man God bless prayers going out to the family
Roberto Mora Jr. and Family left a message on October 15, 2024:
Alicia, Michael and Eric--We send healing prayers, comfort and strength during this sudden and unexpected tough time. Rene was an amazing cousin with a shining personality who led a remarkable life. We feel so lucky that he was a part of our family.
George Saenz left a message on October 15, 2024:
Rene was a blessing to everyone he met. His smile and his warmth was felt by everyone he shared his life with especially the kids that he taught French to. He loved his job and did it with passion. Until we meet again Brother.
Derly Hinojosa MD left a message on October 15, 2024:
In Loving Memory of Mr. Rene L. Carrillo It is with a heavy heart that I reflect on the passing of Mr. Carrillo, my high school spelling coach, mentor, and friend. Mr. Carrillo wasn’t just a coach; he was a guiding light in my life, and in the lives of so many students. Through his passion for words and unyielding belief in our potential, he shaped our minds and our futures in ways we never could have imagined. Mr. Carrillo taught me that spelling was more than just memorizing words; it was about discipline, precision, and understanding the beauty of language. Every session with Mr. Carrillo was not just about preparing for a competition, but about growing as individuals. His patience, dedication, and encouragement helped build our confidence and sharpen our focus, both in and out of the classroom. Beyond the competitions, Mr. Carrillo instilled in me values that will remain with me forever—perseverance, humility in victory, and grace in defeat. His wisdom and sense of humor made every practice feel like a special experience, and he always found time to celebrate our successes, no matter how small. Today, I honor Mr. Carrillo’s legacy by remembering not just the words he taught us, but the lessons in kindness, determination, and integrity that will continue to guide me throughout my life. Though he may no longer be with us, the impact Mr. Carrillo had on me, and so many others, will live on in the way we carry ourselves forward. Rest in eternal peace, Mr. Carrillo. You will be deeply missed, but your spirit will always be with us—every time we pick up a book, face a challenge, or recall a word you so patiently helped us master. With gratitude and love, Derly Hinojosa MD
Cristina Vidaurri left a message on October 15, 2024:
This is a great loss of a wonderful human being and teacher. Our most heartfelt condolences to Dr. Carrillo and all family and friends. May the Lord be your strength in this difficult time. Cristina and Mariela Vidaurri
Alicia G. Carrillo left a message on October 15, 2024:
I will love you forever. My heart is broken.
Roy Flores left a message on October 15, 2024:
My sincere condolences to Rene's family and friends. He was one of the genuine good guys that I was privileged to meet. Rest in Peace Rene!
Martha Palacios left a message on October 14, 2024:
Dear Carrillo Family, please accept my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your beloved husband and father. May he rest in peace 🙏 Sincerely, Martha H Palacios
Carmen Pompa left a message on October 14, 2024:
Rest in peace Mr. Carrillo 🙏🏻.
Marie Antoinette Canales left a message on October 14, 2024:
Rene was such a fine person. My heart is full of sorrow for his wife and children. May he rest in peace united with his relatives. May his wife and family find strength and comfort in memories of his life. I send you my most sincere condolences 🙏.
Jorge de la Garza left a message on October 14, 2024:
I am so sorry for your lost May G-d remember his good deeds and forget his mistakes.
Fred Dickey Funeral & Cremation Services left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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